Certifications and CREDENTIALs
Certifications abound in the corporate world. Each specialized field has its own. Organizations also require a certain number of specific certifications from their suppliers. It can be hard figuring out what it all means, as many certifications confer little in the way of benefits or protection. Versacom can meet your specific certification requirements as well as help you understand what credentials actually matter in the language industry. Whether in terms of translation or localization, or even of technology and security, we know which standards are worth following.
Versacom is fully certified under the two official standards of the language industry: ISO 17100 and its Canadian equivalent, government-sanctioned CGSB 131.10. These two standards cover essential aspects of the provision of quality certified translation services, from core processes through to expertise, project management and technology. Both are worlds away from generic standards that include only vague quality management benchmarks—which, in our field, are essentially worthless. They also go vastly beyond the signature certifications created by some suppliers mostly for promotional effect. Know the official translation quality standards and demand compliance.
At Versacom, we hire qualified translators who, beyond their academic background in translation, are also professionally accredited. Accreditation refers to the individual certification awarded by a professional order following a rigorous assessment. In Canada, where translation is more regulated than anywhere else in the world, these professional bodies are recognized by law, as are their codes of ethics. Combined with specialized postsecondary education, the title of Certified Translator, Terminologist or Interpreter confirms the qualifications you seek and the credentials to translate. Looking for the best certified translators in Montréal? Focus on proven skills and safeguards.
Find out about key professional associations:
Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ)
Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC)
Translation-specific quality standards also cover management, security and technologies. However, these issues have become crucial in the language industry, and our firm regularly earns other special certifications required by key client organizations, including, most notably, Versacom’s R&D certification and its top-level Government of Canada security and reliability clearances.
With Versacom, you don’t have the headache of trying to understand the unnecessary, irrelevant or useless standards some other service providers promote, or worrying about the validity of translator qualifications. And since we take our leadership position seriously, we not only guarantee the relevant language industry accreditations, we’re also prepared to obtain any other certifications and guarantees that your organization may require, including the use of sworn translators.